Free Home Workout Cards

By Laura Ratcliffe March 20, 2020

We know that staying fit and active is our best way to build a strong immune system and stay healthy.

If you can’t make it to our Everybody facility right now due to the Coronavirus, our free workout cards are here to help keep you active and working out at home. Keep an eye on this webpage and our social media channels for updates on more workout cards. 

We are also continuing to update our social media channels and Everybody blog with advice from our health and fitness advisers and personal trainers including healthy recipes and ways to get active in your home.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Everybody customers for their continued support during this time, as a health and wellbeing  registered charity our sole vision is to help people to lead healthier more active lifestyles.

Please let us know if you have any questions or any feedback about the workouts by emailing [email protected] 

Disclaimer: Please take reasonable precautions to prevent damage or injury. Please do not participate in workouts if advised by your doctor against. 

Workout one:

Workout two:


Workout three- Below are two workout cards, 1st one is your workout and underneath is how to carry out the exercises:

Workout four: