Now Recruiting For The 2G Grand Challenge

By Everybody Sport November 12, 2015

Partnership Announces The 2Gs Grand Challenge


With fitness and obesity being constant topics of interest and concern in the media Holmes Chapel Partnership wants to do its bit towards getting Holmes Chapel residents moving. The Partnership’s next major project will be a Health & Wellbeing Campaign, the first stage of which will be The 2Gs Grand Challenge which will be run in partnership with and with expert input from Everybody Sport and Recreation; we are delighted to be sponsored by both Active Cheshire and Cheshire East.

The Challenge aims to improve the general fitness of both older and younger residents in the village, and to promote the special bond between Grandparents and their Grandchildren  – hence ‘The 2 Gs’ in the name of the campaign.  Participation is free, and we are hoping to recruit up to 75 teams of at least one grandparent and one grandchild, living locally, who will sign up to a fitness program – tailored to their specific needs – lasting 6 months; the start date will be 1st December 2015.  At the end of the period we believe that the participants will notice some improvement – which could be as simple as being able to walk further, or climb stairs without getting out of breath!

The project team will professionally assess each group’s current levels of fitness (using a questionnaire and optional physical measurements) and suggest how the individuals can improve their fitness using a programme of moderate exercise – this could involve walking, jogging, running, swimming – whatever the participants feel they can sensibly manage, and is fun rather than a chore.  Participants will be asked to keep a record of their progress, and will be monitored by the project team after 3 and 6 months; the overall results of the project will be published by the team, without naming individuals, to give encouragement to others who want to improve their general health and wellbeing.

Grandparents And Granddaughter Walking On Winter Beach

We hope you will be interested in taking part!

For further details:


Email: [email protected]


Write to Holmes Chapel Partnership: c/o 41 Portree Drive, Holmes Chapel, CW4 7JB.
