The 2Gs Grand Challenge which launched on the 1st December 2015, is designed to get the residents of Holmes Chapel active & staying active, setting a manageable goal & going for it. It was initially for grandparents & grandchildren but has been expanded to include the whole family. Holmes Chapel Partnership along with Everybody Sport & Recreation have secured funding from both Active Cheshire & Cheshire East Council in order to help get the community involved.
What does the Challenge involve?
The Challenge is a fun FREE way to get into fitness, together with the motivation and encouragement from your family. The team will professionally assess each group’s current levels of fitness (using a questionnaire and optional physical measurements) and suggest how the individuals can improve their fitness using a programme of moderate exercise – this could involve walking, jogging, running, swimming – whatever the participants feel they can sensibly manage, and is fun rather than a chore. All we ask is that each team attends the assessment session, agrees to stay with the programme for a minimum of 3 months, keeps a record of your progress, and attends informal progress assessments after 3 and 6 months.
All of those who sign up will get the chance to use Holmes Chapel Community Centre for FREE for 12 weeks between the hours of:
9.00am – 5.00pm during the week
8.00am – 5.00pm at the weekends
& Holmes Chapel Leisure Centre during opening hours.
As the children (under 14’s) are unable to take advantage of this they can try the kids Zumba* sessions at Holmes Chapel Community Centre on Thursday evenings from 3.45pm – 4.30pm for FREE or come to Holmes Chapel Leisure Centre & play badminton*, short tennis*, table tennis* or have a kick around for FREE too (*subject to availability).
How do i sign up?
All you need to do is contact: [email protected]. We can then get you signed up with a fitness advisor at Holmes Chapel Community Centre in order to get you started.