Fitness Instructors from Holmes Chapel Community Centre share their health and fitness tips of the month with customers so you get the best out of your workouts!
Nutrition Tips Of The Month
So why Water?
Hydrates the body
Helps keep joints lubricated
Helps maintain body temperature
Contains no calories
Aim for 6-8 glasses a day (200ml glass = 1.2l – 1.4l a day)
If you are doing more or it is warmer you will need to drink more
What about fruit juice / smoothies?
+ Full of vitamins
– Only counts towards one of your five a day no matter how much you have.
– Contains little to no fibre
– Natural sugars quickly and easily absorbed into the body like added sugars
One portion = 150ml
Exercise Move Of The Month
Works the upper back, arms and core
- Take hold of the handles and stand around 45o (feet closer to the anchor = harder, further away makes it easier)
- Start with straight arms, and pull your body towards the handles.
- Slowly allow your arms to come back to the start position.
- Squeeze your shoulder blades together, but don’t shrug your shoulders
Try to start by doing 3 sets of 10 reps with 45 secs rest between sets.
Class Of The Month 
Les Mills GRIT Series
30-minute High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Can cater for all abilities from beginner to advanced gym users.
GRIT Strength – uses barbells, plates and bodyweight exercises to build and develop power.
GRIT Plyo – uses plates and bodyweight exercises to build speed and endurance.
GRIT Cardio – uses body weight exercises to develop overall lung and heart function.
For more information on classes at Holmes Chapel Community Centre click here.
What members say!
“GRIT is the best half hour of the week. Great instructor, it’s hard work, but fun”
You can now track your progress after each gym visit at Holmes Chapel Community Centre. Simply follow this link to register and log on to each piece of equipment when you visit:
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