Real Life Transformations: Double Up Fitness Challenge

By Everybody Sport February 5, 2016

Real Life Transformations:

Carol and Emily, Alsager Leisure Centre


We often blog about the benefits of working out in pairs with the most obvious reasons being that it increases motivation and you are more likely to stick at your fitness routine! We recently spoke to two of our customers at Alsager Leisure Centre, who agreed that working out together was the best way for them to stay motivated, however it meant much more than that to them.

Carol and Emily are mother and daughter and have been working out together for the past year at their local leisure centre. Carol confesses that it was in fact Emily who pushed her into joining the gym, she was already active by walking with the dogs around the village but she wasn’t losing the weight she wanted to. Emily, was already quite active but was bored of her usual gym routine and needed to try something new.

The pair have been attending a range of group fitness classes including Insanity, PiYo, Les Mills Grit, Kettlercise, Circuits and Boxfit, both of them motivating each other to attend every week but most of all having fun whilst doing it!

Emily commented, ‘It was nice having someone there rather than coming on your own all the time. I feel bad if I don’t come with my mum, it definitely works having someone to push you to go.’

IMG_9841Both Carol and Emily have seen some fantastic improvements to their health, Carol has lost over 2 stone and Emily has toned up and increased her fitness levels. Most importantly they have made exercise a priority in their lives which has helped them transform their eating habits at home and created a new hobby for the family to enjoy together.

Carol commented,’All of us now watch what we eat, I am a little bit of a nag at home about what food we have in and what we are eating. I am either at the Leisure Centre or at work – it is not an obsession its just that we love it and it is part of life now.’

Along with a number of others at the leisure centre they are now taking part in Born Survivor and the Color Run events this year which has proven that these fitness classes have become not only a fun way to exercise but a place to meet new people, make friends, socialise, set goals and try something new – without feeling like you are being judged or looked at.

Emily says the best way to get over any insecurities is to just give it a go ‘you just have to try it, as soon as you start and you get that feeling after your first couple of classes you don’t want to stop!’

Carol continued, ‘No one is looking at you everyone is just concentrating on what they are doing and trying to breathe!’

Both Emily and Carol have signed up to this months Double Up fitness challenge for a chance to win a Fitbit each. If you would like more information about how to join the leisure centre, take part in a Team Everybody event such as Born Survivor or enter the Double Up fitness Challenge visit or email


Watch Carol and Emily in action as they take on an Insanity group fitness class at Alsager