Hannah Success Story

By Laura Ratcliffe September 10, 2018



Hannah from Congleton, drops an incredible two dress sizes, loses over 2 stone and reduces the dosage of medication for her anxiety and low mood since joining Re-Shape at Holmes Chapel Community Centre

Hannah was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome at the age of 17, which brought a lot of health problems and weight loss barriers, such as low mood and depression.

She explains “I had high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, back pain and I was overweight. The weight was creeping up and up as I ate my feelings rather than doing something about them and taking control of my diet and exercise.”

After Hannah and other colleagues received a talk at work about the free 12 week exercise and weight management programme, Re-Shape, delivered by Everybody Leisure. In January 2017, Hannah decided this programme could be for her.

“Having successfully lost some weight in the past I soon lost motivation due to other health problems and lack of confidence in myself. I thought the group meetings might benefit me and the additional bonus was the opportunity to try out a free gym membership for the 12 week period.”

She continues “I had been contemplating a gym membership for some time but was trying to weigh up different gyms and kept talking my way out of making a decision so I felt that the free trial encouraged me to give it a go.”

Re-shape gave Hannah the motivation and support in getting back into exercise and trying new things. Hannah lost an incredible 1 stone 8 lb on the programme, her waist measurements fell from 123 – 115cm and after her last meeting with Lifestyle Coach Chris in December 2017, Hannah’s blood pressure has reduced from 148/98 to 118/84.

The biggest difference Hannah has noticed since finishing the programme in April, is her motivation to continue her programme. She has continued with her gym membership, makes healthier choices with food and now shares her story on her own weight loss account on Instagram. Hannah now has over 1600 followers @hannahsjourneypcosweightloss  which is inspiring others like her to lead a healthier more active lifestyle.

Hannah regularly uses the gym and really benefits from being able to use any Everybody Leisure facility across Cheshire East as she can plan her exercise around her day, she explains “deep down I know that there are ‘no excuses’ when I can pop into Crewe Lifestyle Centre after finishing work in Crewe or go home from the office via Congleton Leisure Centre.”

“My confidence, self-esteem and positivity have all increased and friends, family and colleagues keep pointing out the changes in me which is a real boost, and again keeps me motivated to keep going. I have also lost two dress sizes which makes clothes shopping a lot more fun! Since maintaining my weight loss and positivity, I have recently been able to reduce the dosage of some medication for my anxiety and low mood.”

Hannah’s Lifestyle Coach Chris has been with her through every step of her programme, “Chris has been a fantastic support for me. He was (and still is) just an email away and really helped to personalise my fitness journey for the goals that I wanted to achieve. I had a bit of a wobble towards the end of my programme where I was struggling with stress and this lead my diet to take a hit and I put on some weight. Chris offered to meet with me one-on-one and discuss my health, goals and current challenges in more detail and we made a plan together.”

Hannah’s support has not stopped there, since finishing the programme in April, Hannah see’s Chris occasionally at the gym when he is running sessions “he will always have time to catch up with me and offers words of encouragement and support on my Instagram page. Since continuing with my exercise, I asked if he could suggest some new exercises for me to try in the gym to keep things interesting. We arranged to meet at the gym and he gave me a new gym programme to target the areas I wanted to work on and I learnt how to use parts of the gym I would never have the confidence to try on my own before then.”

Re-Shape is a FREE 12-week programme for people aged 18+ years, living in Cheshire East, who are overweight with a BMI of 25- 39.9. Sessions are available in Crewe, Macclesfield, Nantwich, Knutsford and Holmes Chapel. To find out more please click on the image below or contact Everybody Leisure on: [email protected] or phone: 01625 383943.