Alison Seaborn Swim England Teacher of the Year 2018

By Lucy Bourne November 28, 2018

Great Teacher… Great Mentor… Great Person!

Alison Seaborn is a Swim England Level 2 Swimming teacher and Rookie Trainer at Macclesfield Leisure Centre and has worked and taught for Everybody Sport and Recreation and Cheshire East for many years now. She has recently been crowned Swim England Teacher of the Year 2018!

Her  approach to swimming lessons is exceptional, providing fun and encouraging swimming lessons to the children and young people of Macclesfield and the surrounding areas. Alison’s lessons are dominated by a games based approach as well as a lot of skill development. Alison regularly has themed swimming lessons which co-inside with events throughout the year, such as the Tour De France, Halloween , Easter, and Children in Need. The lessons Alison delivers are fun, exciting and very engaging for the children and young people, using a range of equipment and teaching styles within her lessons to get the best out of the swimmers.

Alison has a very good rapport with the parents and the children as well as her colleagues. The children always have smiles on their faces and are very sad to leave when it comes to the end of the lesson. When new swimming teachers start, Alison is an exceptional professional mentor to the new teachers providing support and advice to them. She is very motivating and encouraging to the team each time she steps on poolside. One of the go to teachers at Macclesfield, a lot of the younger teachers will go to Alison for advice and help.  She very rarely misses a day at work and is fully committed to her swimming teacher role, she delivers classes on pre-fundamentals, Learn to Swim, Aquatic Skills, and Rookie lessons. Her classes are always high in occupancy, and her teaching is always in high demand.

Alison delivers a very good rookie programme offering both dry training and wet training to the students. They students are engaged and really take on board all aspects of the rookie lifesaving programme. A lot have gone on to become lifeguards, swimming teachers and have a good career in leisure. There are young people who keep coming to these lessons even though they have completed the scheme because they enjoy the sessions so much.

Everyone at Macclesfield Leisure Centre are very proud to have another Swim England Teacher of the Year.

Sign up to our Level 1 and 2 swim teacher courses here