Healthy Recipes For Pancake Day!

By Laura Ratcliffe March 5, 2019

Shrove Tuesday is here and it’d be rude not to have pancakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner wouldn’t it? We’ve got these recipes so you don’t have to break your healthy eating to enjoy Pancake Day!

Banana Pancakes:

These are quick and easy to make, with only 5 ingredients and taste delicious (AND they’re gluten free)


1 large banana

2 medium eggs beaten

Pinch of baking powder

Splash of vanilla extract

1 tsp oil


In a bowl, mash 1 large banana with a fork until it resembles a thick purée.

Stir in 2 beaten eggs, a pinch of baking powder (gluten-free if coeliac) and a splash of vanilla extract.

Heat a large non-stick frying pan or pancake pan over a medium heat and brush with ½ tsp oil.

Using half the batter, spoon two pancakes into the pan, cook for 1-2 mins each side, and then tip onto a plate. Repeat the process with ½ tsp oil and the remaining batter.

Fruity Vegan Pancakes:

The perfect re-fuel for after exercise


2 tbsp. ground flaxseeds

20g ground almonds

300ml soya milk

200g quinoa flour

1 medium banana, mashed

2 tbsp. maple syrup

coconut oil, for frying


Put the ground almonds, milk, flour, banana, maple syrup and a pinch of salt in a blender. Stir the flax to make sure it has become thick and gloopy, like an egg, then tip into the mix and blitz until smooth and thick.

Heat 1 tsp of coconut oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat and add tablespoon dollops of batter into the pan. Cook for a couple of mins on one side until the edges are browning, and bubbles have formed on top. Once the pale, white batter has turned a sandy colour, flip over with a spatula and cook for another few mins till dark golden brown. Set aside and keep warm while you repeat the process with the remaining batter, adding another tsp of coconut oil with each batch. You should make about 16 pancakes.

Dairy-free pancakes:

All the flavour, none of the dairy


125g plain flour

1 egg

300ml hemp or coconut milk

Sunflower or rice bran oil, for frying


Put the flour in a bowl and make a well in the centre. Crack the egg in the middle and pour in a quarter of the milk. Use an electric or balloon whisk to thoroughly combine the mixture. Once you have a paste, mix in another quarter and once lump free, mix in the remaining milk. Leave to rest for 20 mins. Stir again before using.

Heat a small, non-stick frying pan with a splash of oil. When hot, pour a small amount of the mixture into the pan and swirl around to coat the base – you want a thin layer. Cook for a few mins until golden brown on the bottom, then turn over and cook until golden on the other side. Repeat until you have used all the mixture, stirring the mixture in between pancakes and adding more oil for frying as necessary. Pile the pancakes up between sheets of baking parchment or cook to order. Serve with the pancake filling of choice.

Share your pancake day creations with us on our social medias! EBLeisure on Twitter, EBLeisure on Instagram and Everybody Sport and Recreation on Facebook!