ESCAPE-pain transforms life of Arthiritis sufferer, 77 year old ex-nurse and charity worker

By Laura Ratcliffe June 13, 2019

Pauline was at an all-time low, she felt down constantly and was upset that she was unable to live the life that she wanted. She was riddled with self-doubt and lived her life fearful because of her arthritis.

Her constant pain made her unable to manage at home, and she believed full-time residential care was the way her life was going.

Pauline became desperate and claimed she had “lost all positivity”. Her daughter suggested ESCAPE-pain and brought her a leaflet. Although reluctant, Pauline decided to take the plunge and called straight away.

ESCAPE-Pain is a funded, 6 week, evidenced based rehabilitation programme, sometimes called the ‘knee or hip class’, designed to reduce pain and disability for people with chronic joint pain or Osteoarthritis.

In the 6 week funded course  you receive information, advice and support from Everybody Leisure’s qualified ESCAPE-pain Instructor’s to help better manage your chronic joint pain and lead a more active life. You’ll take part in a group exercise programme, twice a week over 6 weeks, tailored to your individual needs.

Pauline, 77, an ex-nurse and charity worker recently completed the 6 week funded ESCAPE-pain programme, at Crewe Lifestyle Centre. Her life has been transformed and she feels incredibly thankful for the support she has received, Pauline now goes to the gym regularly as well as attending the follow on class with all the friends she made on the programme.

In the first two weeks, Pauline couldn’t understand how 2 sessions a week could help her, and questioned how this works, was it just a gimmick? She felt her pain was so severe that nothing other than medication could help her.

Pauline didn’t think ESCAPE-pain could help her, and she wanted to quit in her first week, she didn’t believe that these exercises would help, but the support from Everybody Lifestyle Coach Gavin and the others on the programme helped her motivation to continue.

By week 3, Pauline had noticed a real difference in herself, physically – she felt more mobile and her pain was reduced, usually taking 8 strong painkillers a day, she had reduced this to only 2. She no longer felt reliant on her walking stick and was excited about how she would improve even more. She felt a lot better mentally and could feel herself becoming more like her old self, she was positive about the future and happier about her life.

Pauline has now completed 6 weeks of ESCAPE-pain and feels back to her old self, she is excited about her future and now lives without fear, even getting back into the garden and walking up and down the stairs unaided. Speaking on her experience she said “I am now mended”.

Pauline now wants to support others who are unsure about completing ESCAPE-pain and recently spoke to a group on their first session to explain her experience and how it can help them. Pauline wants everyone to have the opportunity to change their life the way she did and is so grateful for the opportunity to complete the programme.

The following courses are now available:

Crewe Lifestyle Centre starting on the 9th of July 2019

Macclesifeld Leisure Centre on the 29th of July 2019

Holmes Chapel Community Centre on the 29th of July 2019

An eligibility criteria to access this programme does apply, for more information and to sign up please contact Everybody Healthy on email: [email protected], phone: 01270 685589, or visit