Keeping your Routine

By Laura Ratcliffe June 26, 2020

As restrictions ease are you worried you might get out of the good exercising routine you’ve been in? Here are our top tips on how to stick to your routine and keep your good habits up!

  1. Firstly, decide what you want your routine to be, do you want to make sure you go for a walk every day? Or fit in a 50 minute workout? Or even make sure you get a bit of yoga/meditation in. We have a range of online workouts available on demand via our youtube channel as well as various live classes on our memberzone (join here!) Check out our guided meditation session here. Set out your goals – this makes them easier to follow!
  2. Set small goals, it’s easy to give up when tasks seem really hard! Start small and generic, then as you get comfortable with the routine add more variables in. You don’t need to work out every day at 2pm! Set yourself the goal of just fitting it in every day. We have classes available on our MemberZone at various times – something suitable for everyone!
  3. Be prepared, lay out a plan. It’s easy for things to get in the way when life is busy. But make a note in your calendar, set the time aside and fit things round it. Then there’s no excuse! You can find our timetable posted every week on the MemberZone to see which classes you’ll do that week.
  4. Mix it up, doing the same thing everytime can get boring, so if your goal is to exercise everyday, do something different, try a new style of exercise than what you’re used to. Want to go on a daily walk? Try some new locations! Make it fun and you’ll WANT to stick to it.
  5. Don’t beat yourself up. So what if you missed a day? It doesn’t mean you give it up all together! Everyone has blips, but don’t carry the guilt with you. Tomorrow is another day!
  6. Celebrate! Give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work. Don’t ignore your achievements no matter how small…


Don’t forget that we are always on hand for motivation and to provide for your health and fitness needs. Although our centres might not be open right now, we will always be here for our members. And you can get involved with discussions on our Everybody Member Zone on Facebook, you can join here!

Disclaimer: Please take reasonable precautions to prevent damage or injury. Please do not participate in workouts if advised by your doctor against.