How to utilise your extra time at home

By Laura Ratcliffe October 14, 2020

We’re all finding that we’ve got more extra time nowadays! Whether it’s the spare time we’d usually spend on the commute, or the lunch break that we never took away from our desks at work, plus what’s better than already being home as soon as you log off for the day?! Here’s some of our top tips for utilising your extra time!

Use your commute time for a morning workout: Wake up at your usual time and get a morning workout in at one of our centres! Morning workouts have a range of amazing benefits, including increased alertness, more overall energy, better mood and so much more! Plus you have the rest of your day to feel good about the workout you did!

TAKE YOUR LUNCH BREAK: Make sure you take your 30 or 60 minute lunch break that you’re entitled to and get away from your computer. Use the time to get some fresh air and get into a different space. Make a booking for a lunch time class or midday gym session and take advantage of the extra availability we have during the day!

Stay connected:  Although working from home gives you a range of benefits, socialisation is definitely something we are missing out on, your usual catch up around the kettle, or the morning gossip in the office. Don’t forget to still get connected with people during the day, take part in one of our fitness classes, or catch up with other members in the MemberZone!

Improve your diet: Eating unhealthy is so easy when you’re at the office! Grabbing a quick lunch from somewhere or picking at the cakes that seem to appear in the staff kitchen (why does this always happen?), or sometimes even being too into your work that you don’t eat at all. Use your extra time to plan your meals and prepare a lunch every day, it’s a great opportunity to fix your diet and eat some yummy food too!

Make the most of it: When are you going to get this time again? To be at home already when the kids get back from school, to spend time making a family dinner together, and to just have time for yourself. Look at it positively, and do what works for you.

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