Winter Wellbeing with Everybody

By Laura Ratcliffe November 11, 2020

Winter Wellbeing and new Everybody Talks!

The winter months have really set in and the weather is certainly on the change. It is this time of year we start to go into ‘hibernation mode’ and pick up those common colds and sniffles. 

At Everybody, we have health and fitness experts who are here to help you stay motivated, keep active and help combat those winter health concerns!

It has never been more important to have a focus on our health, so with our centres closed this month we wanted to introduce some NEW virtual live events….‘Everybody Talks’!

Take a look at the schedule below, all available to watch live on Everybody @ Home in November!

















Winter Wellness with Victoria Barker, Master Fitness Lead 

16th November – 10.30am

Victoria will discuss specific ways to manage women’s health in winter (and all year round!) – including healthy habit forming and movement skills to build the foundation to any health and wellness routine.

Women’s wellness is the focus of the talk but a lot of the principles discussed can be applied and are relevant for men too!





















Staying Active in Winter with Chris Mottershaw, Master Fitness Lead

23rd November 10.30am

Chris will be discussing how to stay active in the winter months with a focus on men’s health and ADL (Activities Daily Living) including how we can increase those all important steps, increase movement and activity in the comfort of our own homes!



















Health Eating with Ellie Dick, Health Referral Lead, Everybody Health Innovation Team 

25th November 7pm

Top healthy eating tips to improve your wellbeing through the winter months. The talk will cover:

1. What to eat in winter to keep energy levels high

2. Daily nutritional requirements

3. Important vitamins in the current climate

4. Portion control and recipe ideas!
























Winter Workouts with Jeremy Ogle, Master Fitness Lead

30th November – 10.30am

A talk about the benefits of doing regular bodyweight exercises in the comfort of you own home!

Jezz will go through different bodyweight exercises, how they promote stronger bones, muscles, and a more vigorous metabolism to help your body tackle whatever Winter throws at you!



Watch all these events LIVE and ONDEMAND Submit your questions to the experts to answer LIVE  post them on the Memberzone or email [email protected]