From Couch to Ultra Marathon Runner!

By Laura Ratcliffe November 23, 2020




Everybody member Jim becomes Ultra Marathon Runner during lockdown!


Family man Jim Painter, from Crewe started running 14 months ago.

He used to go to the gym at Crewe Lifestyle Centre 2 or 3 times a week before the national coronavirus lockdown in March.

When the gyms were closed he continued his fitness journey and started working out at home with core sessions and running in his local area.

In July, when Crewe Lifestyle Centre re-opened he went back to the gym and trained with the support of Everybody instructors 4 to 5 times a week.


Jim commented ‘Getting back into the gym really helped my strength and core training. The rules for returning were easy to follow, maintaining social distancing and cleaning of the equipment – it felt great to get back to some normality and all the other members and staff helped make it feel safe to return.’


This month [November] Jim managed to run his longest and furthest distance to date – he completed 62.62 miles in 15hours 55 mins! This was meant to be an organised ultra marathon event ‘Escape from Meriden’ however, due to Covid the event was cancelled but that didn’t stop him! Jim used local Everybody Leisure Centres such as Knutsford to navigate his way around Cheshire East.


Jim commented, ‘I started running over a year ago firstly to lose weight and be healthier but since then I have enjoyed pushing myself and I have completed a half marathon, full marathon and an ultra marathon of 35miles.

He continued, ‘my latest challenge was in aid of the Smile Group. When my children were younger my wife suffered with postnatal depression and the work the charity do would have really supported out family during that time.’


This has inspired Jim to book another ultra marathon for 5th of December and due to the gym closing again, he is now using Everybody @ Home to help stretch out his muscles and build core strength!


Everybody @ Home is a new health and fitness website from health and wellbeing charity Everybody Sport and Recreation. It is home to a range of live and on-demand workouts to do from home. There’s something for Everybody including Yoga, Pilates, Dance Fit, HIIT and specialist health classes!

You can follow Jim’s journey here: 

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