Exercise helps Everybody member de-stress, stay strong and enjoy her life to the full!

By Laura Ratcliffe January 5, 2021

We caught up with Everybody Member Rita in December 2020, Rita is inspiring and continues to be committed to her health and fitness and has taken part in our online offer throughout the pandemic.   

Exercise helps Everybody member de-stress, stay strong and enjoy her life to the full!

Everybody member Rita Ledgar has taken her health and fitness to a new level in 2020, and the national lockdown allowed her to try a range of new of classes.

She has taken the opportunity to try and enjoy her fitness and try new things! Keeping active has always been important to her, ever since her GP recommended she started exercising. Exercise helps her to de-stress, stay strong and it allows her to enjoy her life to the full. She aims to keep active and strong so she can keep up with her family both physically and mentally, and she said that having a membership with Everybody has been so helpful to her and gives her a great opportunity to begin enjoying keeping fit!

Throughout the pandemic, Rita was unable to attend any classes or sessions at the leisure centre so took advantage of Everybody’s online offer. She tried a range of classes including Stretch and Tone, Yoga, Pilates, HIIT, and so many more! She even tried some with her neighbour in the garden. When the leisure centre’s re-opened, Rita was able to play tennis at Everybody @ Alderley Park, and returned to her favourite Zumba classes. She commented that “I do all of these at my own level and always with an element of fun.”

Five years ago, Rita suffered an injury and had a year of struggling to walk. After physiotherapy she has been able to regain fitness and confidence in the gym! She said “I have various health issues which I have to manage and now in my sixtieth year, know more than ever, the value of self care. Over the last two years I have also lost two inches around my middle and have rediscovered my waist, which I thought had gone for good, being a woman of a certain age!”

Rita is inspiring and continues to be committed to her health and fitness, she knows it’s a continuous journey and is ready to take on any challenge! Rita wanted to say “Thank you ‘Everybody’ for being there for me this year, with a good range of classes to choose from, my thanks goes to all staff including those we never get to meet. My advice to anyone is find your motivation and this will drive you to keep fit, it’s so worth it”.

Find out about Everybody’s new live and on demand platform Everybody @ Home, have access to over 20 live health and fitness classes a week (with more being added from next week!) Plus on demand classes and all of the live classes save to the platform so you can catch up at any time! Join now and pay nothing until the leisure centres reopen www.everybody.org.uk