28 day fitness challenge winner is back to enjoying exercise again!

By Laura Ratcliffe February 18, 2021

Media Release

28 day fitness challenge winner is back to enjoying exercise again!

Natalie Cureton from Salford has been taking part in Everybody Sport and Recreations 28 day fitness challenge along with many others and this week been crowned the winner of the challenge!

The 28 day fitness challenge which launched at end of January, was designed to help motivate Everybody members and the community to remain active at home during this time. A chance to try new health and fitness classes and to have some fun, virtually, with other members, friends and family.

As well as this, there was also the chance of winning some amazing prizes including a MyZone Belt worth £59.99, a goody bag including a gym holdall, gym water bottle and gym towel, plus 1 month FREE membership with Everybody Sport and Recreation when their facilities reopen.

The challenge took place on Everybody @ Home, a new website launched by Everybody in November 2020 which provides over 25 live health and fitness classes a week, plus on demand and catch up classes for those who can’t join in live.

Natalie has been taking part in Everybody @ Home classes since the launch in November and when she saw the 28 day challenge in January she immediately wanted to take part. Natalie shares she tends to do the same classes, so taking herself out of her comfort zone to try lots of new classes was a big draw for her!

The 28 day challenge has really helped to give Natalie’s day structure and she found herself more motivated to come home from work and get moving. She comments

“Especially during this last lockdown, it had been too easy to be unmotivated, but doing the challenge gave me a target to hit and I found myself really enjoying exercise again!”

Natalie loved the 28 day challenge so much that she is starting it again this week!

“The instructors are the thing I enjoyed the most about the 28 day challenge, they are all so amazing, they give lots of alternatives if you don’t have certain equipment which made me feel more comfortable trying more classes.

They made me laugh when doing the classes, which was really nice and made me feel like I was interacting, I loved the live chat function on the classes as well as it gave me the chance to interact with other people doing the class.” 

When Natalie found out she had won the 28 day challenge she commented “I am absolutely delighted to have won the 28 day challenge, it has been such an amazing challenge that I forgot there was even going to be a winner, I was just really enjoying trying new classes and having a nice daily routine! I can’t wait to get back into the gym to try my MyZone Belt, I will be taking it for a spin at The Trip as soon as the site [Everybody @ Alderley Park] re-opens!”

You can find out more information about Everybody Sport and Recreation, including their new “Buddy Up Challenge”, Everybody @ Home and much more: www.everybody.org.uk


Notes to Editor

Everybody Sport & Recreation – Everybody Sport and Recreation is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. As a Health and Wellbeing Charity, Everybody Sport and Recreation aims to provide ‘leisure for life’ by changing lives through healthy recreation. The charity operates 16 leisure facilities across the Cheshire East region as well as a range of Health, Leisure Development and Outreach programmes and the new Everybody Academy, providing local training and career opportunities. For more information please visit: www.everybody.org.uk or follow on Twitter @ebleisure.

Media Contact
Name: Lucy Bourne

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 07773976464