Everybody Talks Winter Workouts with Jeremy Ogle, Master Fitness Lead

By Laura Ratcliffe February 18, 2021

Everybody Talks Winter Workouts with Jeremy Ogle, Master Fitness Lead

Did you watch Jeremy Ogle, Master Fitness Leads talk on Winter Workouts on our Everybody @ Home website? The talk is available to catch up on here.

A talk about the benefits of doing regular bodyweight exercises in the comfort of your own home to broaden your knowledge regarding bodyweight exercise and how it can really help you through this Winter and hopefully carry it on moving forwards.

Jezz will go through different bodyweight exercises, how they promote stronger bones, muscles, and a more vigorous metabolism to help your body tackle whatever Winter throws at you!

Here is a little bit more from Jezz about what his talk includes:

“Welcome to your Winter Wellness Talk on our Everybody At Home Online Platform. Today I have my two colleagues, Chris and Vic, and we will be going through great bodyweight exercises that you can do this Winter and their benefits.

We’re going to break down today’s talk into three main topics; what is bodyweight exercise, the benefits of doing bodyweight exercises, and how we can optimise you bodyweight exercising.

So grab a brew, get comfy (but not too comfy as you may be required to take part) and enjoy the talk.

Now before I get started, I would just like to mention that if you have been advised by your Doctor or a medical professional NOT to take part in any Physical activity, please refrain from joining in on any active part of the talk.”

So as Jezz says, grab a brew, get comfy and catch up on his talk here. Sign up and pay nothing until we reopen to get access to these amazing talks, plus access to over 30 online health and fitness classes to keep you active at home! Find out more here.

We also have a range of other Everybody Talks to watch on Everybody @ Home including:

Everybody Talks Winter Wellness- Master Fitness Lead Victoria discusses specific ways to manage women’s health in winter (and all year round!) – Including healthy habit forming and movement skills to build the foundation to any health and wellness routine.

Women’s wellness is the focus of the talk but a lot of the principles discussed can be applied and are relevant for men too!

Everybody Talks Staying Active in Winter– Master Fitness Lead Chris discusses how to stay active in the winter months with a focus on men’s health and ADL (Activities Daily Living) including how we can increase those all important steps, increase movement and activity in the comfort of our own homes!

Everybody Talks Healthy Eating Health Referral Lead Ellie looks at top healthy eating tips to improve your wellbeing through the winter months. The talk covers:

  1. What to eat in winter to keep energy levels high
  2. Daily nutritional requirements
  3. Important vitamins in the current climate
  4. Portion control and recipe ideas!