Media Release
Everybody is awarded Investors In People for a further three years following a recent assessment.

Photo caption: Left to right Mia Jennings, Holly Brough, Katie Harrop and Debbie Christopherson from Everybody Sport and Recreation.
Everybody Sport and Recreation are extremely proud to announce, following an Investors In People assessment in November 2021, they have been successfully re accredited as an Investor in People.
The Health and Wellbeing charity based in Cheshire East initially achieved Investors In People in 2015 and have annual reviews, with a full standard assessment every 3 years, which they have achieved in 2018 and now 2021.
92 staff were interviewed for Everybody Sport and Recreations Investors in People Standard assessment in November 2021, staff commented to say “You definitely feel part of a team. It’s like being part of one big family” and “If I am not sure about anything I am always encouraged to just ask.”
The feedback from the assessment had many successes including:
- PDR system embedded – A greater consistency in the way people are led and managed.
- Positive communication of return-to-work post lockdown.
- Online training available –significant time and resource committed to learning and development.
- People confirmed ownership of roles and trusted to make decisions – positive motivator for people.
- Kept well informed during pandemic and organised challenges to keep people engaged.
- Recognition and reward of staff – pay progression, sharing in success, staff awards and instant recognition vouchers issued to staff for above and beyond performance.
Joanne Hamilton Investor In People Assessor shares
“The majority of those spoken to feel very strongly that Everybody Sport and Recreation Trust is a good employer to work for. It was noticeable that newer members of staff often compared their experiences of working for the Trust more favourably to where they had worked previously. A number of those spoken to also have long lengths of service, which indicates that they consider the Trust to be an employer of choice.”
Peter Hartwell, CEO shares
“We are delighted to confirm that we have retained the standard in full – with every criteria met at a fully developed level. We are now accredited until the end of 2024.
It was great to hear such fantastic feedback on the culture of our organisation and the ‘continuous improvement’ they noted for our organisational delivery. This is so important particularly following the past 18-months we have all endured – but our team efforts to help the organisation recover from the pandemic were cited with so many people working tirelessly this year to make this happen.
We are the only known employer of our size and sector to successfully attain this standard in 2021 across the north of the UK (or to retain this standard in 2021 following Covid.) This is a testament to the scale of the collective achievement here.”
Plaques to recognise the award will take pride of place on display in all of the Everybody Leisure facilities.
Everybody Sport and Recreation is a fast growing, ambitious Charitable Trust, operating 16 leisure centres with 9 pool sites across Cheshire East.
‘Developing our people’ is one of Everybody’s aims and is close to their heart and they aim to attract and develop the best people to drive the business forward. It’s due to their fantastic team the organisation has grown extensively since 2014 and continues to recover and re-grow following the recent pandemic-related closures.
Everybody Sport and Recreation have a range of volunteering and job opportunities available including: Lifeguards, Swim Teachers, Finance Assistant, Receptionists, Sports Coaches and more.
For more information about Everybody Sport and Recreation, including their training academy and career opportunities, please visit:
Notes to Editor
Everybody Sport & Recreation – Everybody Sport and Recreation is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. As a Health and Wellbeing Charity, Everybody Sport and Recreation aims to provide ‘leisure for life’ by changing lives through healthy recreation. The charity operates 16 leisure facilities across the Cheshire East region as well as a range of Health, Leisure Development and Outreach programmes and the new Everybody Academy, providing local training and career opportunities. For more information please visit: or follow on Twitter @ebleisure.
Media Contact
Name: Lucy Bourne
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07773976464