Everybody Health & Leisure Finalists at ukactive Awards 2023

By Laura Ratcliffe September 8, 2023

For immediate release


Everybody Health & Leisure Finalists at ukactive Awards 2023

 (Image caption: Everybody Health and Leisure Leadership Team (L-R) Head of Finance David Newport, Head of People & Organisational Development Katie Harrop, CEO Thomas Barton, Director of Health & Communities Kerry Shea, Head of CRM Dawn Aston, Head of Business Development Kris Sankey, Head of Leisure Operations Dominic Crisp.)

Everybody Health and Leisure’s Leadership Team are finalists in the ukactive Awards for the ‘Outstanding Leadership Award’, in recognition of the strong demonstration of leadership at all levels across the Charity.

The winners are decided on a public voting system and voting is now open here, which closes on Friday 22nd September 2023.

In early 2022, the new Everybody Leadership Team was formed following the retirement of the previous CEO. To enable recovery from the impact of the pandemic, a refreshed and sustainable leadership team was necessary, one that could lead at pace and kickstart a period of organisational change, against significant external disruption.

Katie Harrop, Head of People and Organisational Development at Everybody shared:

“We’re thrilled to have been shortlisted for this award. It recognises not solely the work of the Everybody Leadership Team, but the outstanding leadership demonstrated across the organisation at all levels.  The whole Everybody team have worked together, determined to re-build bigger and better, and being shortlisted recognises all these efforts of our people to deliver our fantastic achievements.”

Everybody implemented a new 3 year business plan, rebrand, 8 commitments to the community and their people, as well as self-commissioned services, including long covid rehabilitation. The Everybody Leadership Team re-energised departments across the business, enabling sustainable growth in their mission to recover and become bigger and better.

Despite the past years challenges, Everybody’s Leadership Team continued to lead their ‘working as one’ organisational culture and ultimately enabled their best performance year in 2022-23. Everybody’s Key Achievements:

  • All 8 commitments exceeded
  • Highest customer survey score (8.51/10)
  • Increased employment since pre-pandemic
  • Delivered their most generous pay award to date
  • Delivered self-commissioned Long Covid programme
  • External awards/recognition – Cheshire and Merseyside Social Value Award, Contribution to the Community, Best Company to Work For, IIP
  • Enabled the opening of Congleton Leisure Centre
  • 25% increase in turnover
  • Charity reserves replenished at the highest level in 9 years

The 8 commitments:

  1. Delivered targeted health schemes such as exercise referral, long covid and specialist rehabilitation to over 2,120 people in Cheshire East.
  2. Recruited 278 people into local jobs across leisure, catering, business support and apprenticeships.
  3. Trained 7883 young people the vital skill of riding a bike.
  4. Worked with parents and schools to help 5000+ children to learn to swim.
  5. Secured over £2m investment to improve health and leisure facilities in Crewe
  6. Reopened a brand-new Congleton Leisure Centre including two new pools and welcoming over 2,000 health and fitness members and a wide variety of activities for all
  7. Invested and grew our volunteer programme, to increase volunteer hours to 46,071.
  8. Over 100 people recognised with annual awards ceremonies for local talented junior and adult athletes, individuals and organisations making a difference in sport and healthy recreation.

These achievements ultimately ensured Everybody Health & Leisure is now in its strongest organisational and financial position to secure the charities future.

To find out more and to vote for Everybody Health & Leisure visit: www.ukactive.com/ukactive-awards-2023-stage-2-public-vote/


Notes to Editor

Image caption: Everybody Health and Leisure Leadership Team (L-R) Head of Finance David Newport, Head of People & Organisational Development Katie Harrop, CEO Thomas Barton, Director of Health & Communities Kerry Shea, Head of CRM Dawn Aston, Head of Business Development Kris Sankey, Head of Leisure Operations Dominic Crisp.

Everybody Health and Leisure are a registered charity which aims to provide ‘leisure for life’ by improving the health and wellbeing of local communities. The charity operates 16 leisure facilities including 9 swimming pools and 7 Taste for Life cafes across the Cheshire East region, and delivers a range of targeted health, sports and disability and inclusion programmes. For more information please visit: www.everybody.org.uk or follow on Twitter @ebleisure.

Media Contact

Name: Jade Elkington, Senior Marketing Manager

Organisation: Everybody Health and Leisure

Email: [email protected]