Joint Media Release – Cheshire East Council
More jobs created in Cheshire East with ‘Bikeability’ scheme

Boy on bike having helmet strapped on (Getty Images)
Cheshire East Council is continuing to teach the borough’s young people to ride a bike through the ‘Bikeability’ scheme and is creating more jobs in the process via its delivery partner, Everybody Health & Leisure.
Bikeability is Active Travel England’s national cycle training programme for schoolchildren in England, providing a practical training programme and life skills to enable young people to cycle confidently on the road. It is funded by the government’s Department for Transport.
The Bikeability scheme had previously been delivered by another company on behalf of Everybody, but from 1 April the service will be provided by Everybody directly to more than 7,000 children in more than 100 Cheshire East schools. Staff from the previous supplier are being transferred to Everybody and more local job opportunities will be created by the charity as a result to support the delivery of this important service.
Councillor Mick Warren, chair of Cheshire East Council’s environment and communities committee, said: “I am glad that this entirely government-funded project is continuing, as there are great benefits for the development of young people mentally and physically in learning to ride a bike. The ‘Bikeability’ scheme has already seen 7,000 young people learn to ride in Cheshire East and I am pleased that this important work will continue.”
Councillor Chris Hilliard, Cheshire East Council’s walking and cycling member champion, said: “The Bikeabilty scheme is arguably the most successful bike-riding programme in the country. It teaches important road safety skills, giving confidence and the freedom of independent travel to children across Cheshire East. We hope this sets our children up for a healthier life and a lifetime of active travel, discovering Cheshire East and beyond.”
Thomas Barton, chief executive officer for Everybody Health & Leisure, said: “We are pleased to be taking the Bikeability programme forward and building on the excellent foundations that are already in place. It is a large programme, ensuring that thousands of Cheshire East schoolchildren can ride more confidently and more safely on our roads. We are grateful to have the opportunity to impact the lives of so many of our local schoolchildren.”
Bikeability is a national scheme, which has already helped four million young people to learn to ride – it has the ambition of helping five million children to have taken up cycle training and to cycle more confidently and more often by 2025.
To learn to cycle with Everybody, please contact [email protected] or visit
Notes to editors:
Everybody Health & Leisure is a registered charity which aims to provide ‘leisure for life’ by improving the health and wellbeing of local communities. The charity operates 16 leisure facilities including nine swimming pools and seven ‘Taste for Life’ cafes across the Cheshire East region, and delivers a range of targeted health, sports and disability and inclusion programmes.
For more information on the charity, please visit: or follow them on Facebook @EverybodyHealthLeisure and Instagram @ebleisure
Media Officer: Chris Gibbs
Email: [email protected]