Everybody Health & Leisure Launches New Online Exercise Programme ‘Recondition Cheshire East’

By Lucy Bourne July 1, 2024

Media release

 Everybody Health & Leisure Launches New Online Exercise Programme ‘Recondition Cheshire East’

Photo caption: Everybody Health and Leisure staff getting ready to launch their new online live exercise classes for targeted groups.

Online live exercise classes will soon launch in Cheshire East targeting people who have recently left hospital, are deconditioned (seen a decline in physical function due to inactivity or bedrest) and/or unable to access their local health and leisure services in-person.

Everybody Health & Leisure are delighted to share they have received Healthy Neighbourhoods Funding awarded by the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board and Cheshire East Council to deliver a new programme called Recondition Cheshire East. A 12-month, live, online exercise programme, aimed at Cheshire East residents, 18+ years, unable to access in-person exercise classes and activities. Particularly those who are deconditioned and needing specialist exercise therapy support.

In a review on falls across Cheshire East, led by Cheshire East Council, it is estimated that there are around 24,000 falls in Cheshire East in people aged 65 and over annually. One in three people aged 65 and over are estimated to fall annually, increasing to one in two for those aged 85 and over. In 2020/21, falls admissions in Cheshire East cost £24m and has been increasing over time. [1]

Evidence shows that around half of all admitted frail older patients experience functional decline between admission and discharge, with up to 50% of older people becoming incontinent within 48 hours of admission. In the first seven days of admission, inpatients have reduced muscle strength by up to 10%, reduced circulation by up to 25% and reduced dignity, confidence, independence, and choice, majorly affecting their quality of life.  Prolonged hospital stays, and bed rest increases these outcomes and their associated risks. [2]

From 15th July, Everybody Health & Leisure will be providing free live online falls prevention classes and Move it or Lose it classes to help improve participants balance, strength, flexibility and overall fitness and mobility. A fantastic opportunity for participants to get active whilst meeting other people virtually.

Donna Williamson Senior Manager, Health Innovation at Everybody Health and Leisure shares

“Addressing re-conditioning through increasing activity levels among those living in our local communities is important. It can help improve lives, increase healthy life expectancy, maintain well-being, independence and reduce the burden on the NHS, care homes and social care, by reducing hospital admissions.

In addition, Recondition Cheshire East will provide access for residents living in rural communities who experience difficulty accessing exercise facilities, due to lack of transport and access to services and quality exercise provision.

The classes can also be live streamed into care homes, village halls and day care provision.

If participants are not confident with technology, a family member or a friend can join them for the class, providing support and encouragement. Everybody Health & Leisure will also be supporting people, setting them up digitally to access online classes.

The content of all classes will be evidenced-based, meaning the routines and exercises have been tried and tested over time, exercises will be performed slowly and progressive, with outcomes that have been proven by thorough research to promote health, e.g. Otago falls exercises and award winning Move it or Lose it.

The live classes will allow participants to interact with each-other and the instructor, providing a sense of online community and support. Access to a range of on-demand classes will also be available to access any day and time.

Everybody has resources available for health professionals and community partners to access and distribute to people who will benefit from the new programme.

People can also self-refer and register to access the programme through the Everybody Healthy Team.

If you would like to find out more, please call: 01270 685589 or email [email protected] More information on the classes can be found here:  www.everybody.org.uk/recondition-cheshire-east/


Notes to Editor

Photo caption: Everybody Health and Leisure staff getting ready to launch their new online live exercise classes for targeted groups.

Everybody Health and Leisure is a registered charity which aims to provide ‘leisure for life’ by improving the health and wellbeing of local communities. The charity operates 16 leisure facilities including 9 swimming pools and 7 Taste for Life cafes across the Cheshire East region, and delivers a range of targeted health, sports and disability and inclusion programmes. For more information please visit: www.everybody.org.uk

LinkedIn: EverybodyHealthLeisure

Facebook: @EverybodyHealthLeisure

Twitter: EBLeisure

Media Contact

Name: Lucy Bourne

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 07773976464

[1] https://moderngov.cheshireeast.gov.uk/documents/s109322/Appendix%20B4-Falls%20JSNA%20-%20Short%20Summary%20FINAL.pdf

[2] https://www.england.nhs.uk/blog/recondition-the-nation/