Everybody’s 30 day challenge winner transforms her lifestyle!

By Laura Ratcliffe May 19, 2021

Everybody Sport and Recreation recently shared a 30 day health and fitness challenge and their winner, Lucy Massey has made some fantastic life changes and has fallen in love with fitness since taking part!


Lucy, from Crewe, hasn’t always loved fitness, and at times struggled to even find an ounce of motivation to exercise. She previously found it far easier to just cancel that early morning swim or gym session and get an extra hour of sleep instead. Lucy always liked the idea of fitness and keeping healthy but never really understood the importance of keeping fit until now!

She shared “I’m that friend who is really good at motivating others and helping them make plans to achieve their goals but not actually being able to apply them to my own journey. Recently though, I’ve learnt to appreciate myself more and to work on myself for a change, so my fitness journey has begun and is currently growing from strength to strength.”



The 30 day health and fitness challenge included a range of activities, including attending Everybody’s outdoor exercise classes, taking part in sessions on their online platform Everybody @ Home, swimming sessions and workouts in the gym! Lucy wanted to do the challenge to improve her physical and mental health and to have something to keep her motivated and on track whilst getting used to a new routine.


During the beginning of the challenge, Lucy really struggled and found it hard, but has loved every minute!

She has met some great people along the way and shared, “The instructors for the classes I’ve attended have been absolutely outstanding, I was very nervous about doing the classes at first but they have backed me every step of the way and have always been nothing but inspirational in chats I’ve had with them.”


It wasn’t all smooth sailing for Lucy and she did face some obstacles along the way. Lucy suffers with asthma so struggled with her breathing at the start of her journey. Lucy pushed herself through and set herself the target to get through it day by day, session by session and by week 2 she was absolutely hooked on her fitness journey. She wasn’t going to let asthma dictate what her fitness journey was going to look like so pushed herself that bit more each day and before she knew it, she was able to swim up to 60 lengths a session!


Lucy has achieved so much during the challenge, both physically and mentally!

I’ve been able to do a fitness activity 5 days a week, I’ve lost weight through exercise alone! I’ve found I’m having more energy and best of all, I actually love waking up and going to the gym/swimming or having a class to go to that day … Mentally, I’ve really noticed a big difference, I use the gym, swimming and classes as a real stress buster and that has really helped me come along in leaps and bounds as I’m not one that finds it easy to talk so by being able to release that tension through fitness has definitely been so effective.”


The challenge has given Lucy the kickstart she needed, and she will definitely be continuing on her journey now the challenge has finished. She shared that “this routine is here to stay and I am so excited to see where my health and fitness levels and where my fitness journey will be even in a few months time. This challenge wasn’t just a challenge to me, it was a lifestyle change and I will be constantly setting myself new goals and targets to help me achieve the most out of my body”


Lucy won 3 months FREE on her membership, a Myzone belt worth £59.99 and an Everybody goody bag filled with merchandise!


Everybody are here for all members, and provide more than just a gym and swim membership, they want to work with them on their goals and support them on more than just their physical health. Find out more about Everybody and how to join as a member here