Tips from Personal Trainer Ollie Naylor

Ollie Naylor
About Me:
I am currently in the latter stages of completing my MSc in Strength & Conditioning. As a Strength & Conditioning coach I have experienced a variety of sports programmes and professional sports organisations in a range of roles within the British Universities and College Sports. I have had an active role in the expansion and development of a wide range of sports clubs and organisations including the Athlete Performance Academy (APA), Sale Sharks and Wilmslow High School, helping local sports athletes to develop and reach sporting excellence. My S&C skillset is strongly underpinned by science, and through all of my different roles, I have been able to blend science with practice, the hallmark of an outstanding practitioner.
“The fitness industry is forever growing with new innovative research coming to light of what training protocols are superior for muscle growth, fat loss etc…. Therefore it is important to keep up to date with current developments, so that you get the best from your workout.
I get asked the same question “whats best for fat loss?”, so today we will break it down.”
MYTH 1: Steady continuous cardio will make you lose weight
Many of you will go into the gym and get straight on the treadmill or cross trainer for 30 minutes, 45minutes; possibly even an hour at a continuous state!
This a a big NO, NO!
Granted this type of training has its place, for example if you are training for something sports specific such as a half marathon etc. but if your main goal is fat loss, there is a more efficient approach which can be done in HALF THE TIME!!!
An Australian study from 2008, which had a group of females perform a 20-minute HIIT program consisting of eight-second sprints followed by 12 seconds of rest lost an amazing six times more bodyfat than a group that followed a 40-minute cardio program performed at a constant intensity of 60% MHR.
Additionally, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) journal reported that subjects who performed HIIT cardio burned almost 10% more calories during the 24 hours following exercise than a steady-state group, despite the fact that the total calories burned during each workout were the same.
So the message here is clearly, less time and more high intensity training is going to help you lose more weight and quicker!
MYTH 2: Performing cardio before resistance training
We know benefits of resistance training includes physiological changes such as an increase in lean body mass, increase in the metabolism and thus helps burns fat. However, I see it time and time again, people walk in, jump on the treadmill for half an hour then hop off and lift weights. But surely when you first come into the gym you have the most amount of energy, right? So surely it would be more beneficial to do your resistance training first.
A study in the Journal of Applied Physiology, reported a combination of resistance training and cardio is more beneficial for increasing lean body mass and reducing fat mass than cardio alone.
Concurrent training combined of resistance training and aerobic training can elicit positive physiological responses provided the training program is carefully designed.
For more information of how to design an effective program or for a personal training session, get in touch with Ollie by email: [email protected]
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