Do you have hip and/or knee pain? If yes, join our waiting list for our evidenced based rehabilitation programme, ESCAPE-pain to help you to manage your joint pain or osteoarthritis.

What is our ESCAPE-pain Programme?

ESCAPE-pain is an evidenced based rehabilitation programme, sometimes called the ‘knee or hip class’, designed to reduce pain and disability for people with chronic joint pain or Osteoarthritis.

The programme includes:

  • Receiving information, advice and support from our qualified ESCAPE-pain Instructor’s to help better manage your chronic joint pain and lead a more active life.
  • Take part in a group exercise programme, twice a week for the initial first 6 weeks, tailored to your individual needs. Followed by a further 6 week membership with unlimited use of our Everybody leisure facility. Totalling a 12 week programme for £31.25 from 1st April 2024.
  • A chance to socialise with and learn from other people living with Osteoarthritis.
  • Will result in you being able to carry out normal activities, manage symptoms and be more active.

The benefits of ESCAPE-pain:

  • Reduces pain
  • Improves physical function
  • Improves mental wellbeing, self-confidence and a chance to socialise with peer support, learning from each other

Watch our video to see what the class involves:


Am I eligible?

  • Patients over 45 years of age with chronic joint pain (at least 3 months’ duration).
  • Clinical diagnosis of osteoarthritis.
  • No contraindications to carrying out a regular exercise programme.
  • Would benefit from a group-based rehabilitation programme with exercise.
  • Independently mobile and able to participate in a group-based exercise programme with minimal supervision
  • Committed to taking part in a 12 week exercise programme, consisting of attending 2 classes per week for the initial first 6 weeks, followed by a further 6 week membership for unlimited use of our leisure facility.

On joining the programme you will have a telephone consultation where we will take your details, discuss the programme and complete a questionnaire regarding your condition.

Find out more

If you would like further information, to enrol on our programme or have any questions please contact the health team on:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01270 685589

If you would like to refer yourself on to the programme please click here.