One size simply does not fit all. Until now. BIOCIRCUIT™ offers a personalised workout in a safe, easy and effective way , a sophisticated intelligent drive that assures the best biomechanics and feeling ever.
Based on revolutionary aerospace technology, BIODRIVE is a motor controller that delivers a tailored workout to help you achieve the best results in a short amount of time.
BIODRIVE is also connected to the first training program synchronized with the native software of the circuit. It requires only one login and is totally customizable to your needs.
No need for manual adjustments, no wasted time, safer and tailored training for everyone.
Losing weight, building strength, ageing in good health: whatever takes you to a fitness or gym club, the reason needs to be addressed specifically. One size simply doesn’t fit all. Until now. BIOCIRCUIT™ offers a personalised workout to help you achieve your own fitness goals in a short amount of time, thanks to the BIODRIVE cutting-edge technology.
The guided program delivers an engaging experience that requires no adjustments or wait time. Everything you need for the best muscle activation imaginable is included in the circuit.
Quick and effective, your workout is always there for you and ready when you are.
SETUP: select the program and adjust effort and posture with your trainer
1) Login on the UNITY SELF kiosk
2) The program directs you to the first station
3) Find your posture and settings ready on each subsequent station
4) The circuit ends after 2 laps, with automatic tracking of results
One login: it’s fast and easy to start– Ongoing training for maximum efficiency
No chance for mistakes, your training is always guided
Equipment that knows and adapts to you specifically
Effective workout in 30′ or less
Whatever your fitness goal, it’ll get you there
Different needs require different programs. Only BIODRIVE™ can balance all phases of movement, both concentric and eccentric, for the following factors.
Some people require isotonic resistance, others need to reduce the inertia to preserve the joints, while still others prefer leveraging a viscous resistance for a greater challenge. From traditional standards to high intensity profiles, the BIODRIVE engine makes it all possible.
Whether users just want to complete their reps, define their routine to fully engage, or be guided in a routine based on their needs, BIODRIVE™ ensures that the workload is constantly controlled.
Sometimes you can fully manage your workout, but the equipment can also provide assistance when you wish to have a little help completing your last reps. In case support is needed, BIODRIVE activates the spotter function to your relief.
At times, you may need to be guided on a certain pace. In other instances, you may want to define your own. BIODRIVE selects the proper pace based on your needs to achieve maximum effectiveness.
For more information on our BIOCIRCUIT™ Studio session at Macclesfield call us on 01625 383981 or fill out the form below and we will get straight back to you!
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