Refer a Friend to Everybody...and we'll give you ONE month FREE !

Everybody members can invite their friends, family and work colleagues to join our membership online at your local Everybody Health & Fitness Centre. If your friend becomes an Everybody Member, you will receive ONE month free (full members only).

You can also invite your friend, family member or colleague along by using a Day Membership. Once they’ve got their day membership arranged, simply bring them along to trial their local Everybody Health & Leisure Centre.

Terms and Conditions

  • Offer only applicable to full paying membership categories and excludes joint members
  • An induction must be completed prior to using the facilities (subject to staffing availability).
  • Your referred friends must join on an Everybody Annual membership or complete a minimum of 3 months in an Everybody Monthly membership.
  • One Free month will be awarded at the next convenient Direct Debit collection (Annual Members) or after 3 months (Monthly Members)
  • Email [email protected] with the name and membership number of the friends you have referred to us, and you will be awarded with free months

More information

If you have any questions, please use the form below to get in touch