Everybody Boxing is 45 minute boxing workout, using boxing combinations and footwork to generate a cardio high.
Everybody Boxing is a 45 minute boxing workout, using boxing combinations and footwork to generate a cardio high. Finish off with some core to create a strong fighting style, with build in strength workouts, you will use pads and mitts to add that intensity.
Who is the class for?
What should I bring?
Some water and a towel.
What should I wear?
Comfortable clothing and supportive trainers
What do I need to know?
You will use pads and mitts in this class. These are provided by the centre.
If you have any questions, please fill in the form below
Everybody Healthy Service Enhances Members' Cardio Vascular Health and Overall Wellbeing at Nantwich Leisure Centre
Do you have chronic low back pain? ESCAPE-pain for backs is coming to Macclesfield Leisure Centre starting 17th September.
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