Programme is currently full

Our Junior Exercise Referral Scheme is a funded programme and all places have now been taken. Please keep checking our website for more information on when places become available.

What is the Junior Exercise Referral scheme?

The Junior Exercise Referral Scheme is aimed at young people aged 14 to 17 years, who live with an illness or long-term health condition to increase physical activity levels and improve their quality of life.

Our Exercise Referral Team are Advanced Specialist Instructors, highly experienced in prescribing exercise for medical conditions. They will provide support and advice as well as design and guide you through your own personal exercise plan based on your medical conditions and ability.

The scheme provides unlimited access to Crewe Lifestyle Centre, Congleton and Macclesfield Leisure Centre and usage of:

The Gym (age appropriate)

Next Gen Gym sessions


Group Exercise classes (age appropriate)

Racket sports

A buddy can support the young person on the programme, they must the be the same person throughout the 12 weeks and can only attend with the referred person.

Who is the programme for?

The following medical conditions are eligible for the Junior Exercise Referral Scheme programme and includes:

  • 14 to 17 year olds
  • Non Everybody Health & Leisure Member
  • Medical condition is clinically stable to exercise

Eligible Conditions:

  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Musculoskeletal Conditions
  • Cancer (referral from health professional only)

What happens when you join the programme?

Making Contact

If you are eligible for the scheme you will be contacted by our Triage team to discuss your medical history, medication and your physical ability to exercise and then invited to a consultation appointment. We will ask for proof of condition and young people aged 14 to 16 years must be accompanied by a parent or carer to all appointments.

What are the benefits of joining the programme and being more active?

Regular physical activity can help manage;

  • Your weight
  • Have a positive effect on your mental wellbeing
  • Improve your muscle and joint functions
  • Benefit your heart health

Being physically active is not only fun and enjoyable, it can also help you manage existing health conditions.

How much does the scheme cost?

The programme is free of charge for the full 12 weeks.

How do you access the scheme?

If you are eligible for the scheme, you can either be referred by a healthcare professional, such as GP, Physio or we are now accepting self-referral for our Junior Exercise Referral, please note, cancer referrals need to be from a health professional only.

If you require any further information please contact our Everybody Healthy Team:

Email: [email protected]


Call: 01270 685589