Do you live with a long-term lung condition, where everyday activities such as walking or climbing stairs gets harder?
Our COPD Exercise Rehabilitation Programme are specialist exercise classes for people diagnosed with a lung condition who are breathless, tailored to you, aiming of building your fitness, helping your lungs and heart work better, enabling you to manage your condition.
The programme consists of weekly exercise classes in a gym setting and studio circuit classes, delivered by fully qualified Specialist Health Instructors.
Being active with a lung condition improves the strength of your breathing muscles, heart and circulation. This helps you use oxygen more efficiently, so you don’t get so breathless.
To join the programme a referral is required, we work with our health partners and the NHS Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services who refer people to our dedicated team of Specialist Health Instructors.
Please speak to your health professional to find out more.
From 1st April 2024, the cost of classes is £4.20 per session or you can join the Exercise Referral Scheme £31.25 for 12 weeks.
If you would like further information, please contact our Everybody Healthy team and a member of staff will be in touch shortly:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01270 685589
A referral can be made by your health professional online here.
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