In hiring the Evans Theatre Hall at Wilmslow Leisure Centre – Everybody Health & Leisure, the undersigned agrees to abide by all policies and rules set by Everybody Health & Leisure at all times throughout the duration of the booking.
The hirer is responsible for ensuring their staff, cast, crew and any volunteers also follow these rules.
Everybody Health and Leisure reserve the right to cancel and not renew any booking that the manager can evidence breaks the hire terms and conditions set out in this document.
Booking and Payment
1. Bookings are taken on a first come first served basis and as such Everybody Health and Leisure cannot guarantee the same booking date will be available each year for annual events.
2. Deposits may be requested to secure your booking.
3. Payments are made by invoice following the event and must be paid within 14 days.
4. Payments can be made at Wilmslow Leisure Centre via cash, card or by bank transfer.
5. Everybody Health and Leisure’s payment term apply for late payments.
Event set up
1. The hirer must ensure all requirements e.g., stage specifications and lighting etc. for their booking are given to Everybody Health and Leisure well in advance.
2. We strongly recommend the hirer attends whilst the event is being setup to oversee and ensure they are happy with sets ups such as stage sizes.
3. Any specialist requirements or equipment, such as lighting rigs for an event, must be cleared for use by Everybody Health and Leisure during the booking stage.
4. Any equipment brought into the facility for an event must have the required H&S testing regime in place, be appropriately certified and be fit for its intended purpose. Copies of this need to be on hand for the centre’s management.
5. During the setup of any event, the hirer must not allow any members of the public, children, or any unqualified persons into the hall until such time as it is deemed safe for public access.
6. All persons involved with setting up the event must ensure they hold all relevant qualifications to carry out any work required such as Working at Height and Powered Access training and qualifications.
7. all persons undertaking this work must show proof of their qualification (IPAF Powered Access License) and sign off the form provided before they are allowed to carry out the work.
8. No person is to carry out a task they are not qualified to undertake.
During the Event
1. Food, Drinks and other Refreshments are sold by the Taste4Life café.
2. The hirer may not sell their own food, drinks or refreshments of any kind without prior written agreement by the centres manager.
3. Hirers are allowed to sell merchandise and programs if they wish.
4. It is the hirers responsibility to ensure that all persons involved with the event hold the relevant requirements, qualifications and DBS checks to work with children and vulnerable people.
5. Everybody Health & Leisure cannot take responsibility for ensuring the hirer’s personnel meet these criteria, however Everybody Health and Leisure ensure that its own staff all hold a valid DBS check and attend safeguarding training.
6. Children involved with the event must be supervised by an adult at all times while they are in the building and must not at any point be left alone.
7. During the hire, Everybody Health & Leisure staff will always be able to access areas of the building they deem necessary, to deal with first aid, ensuring fire routes are clear and the building is operating safety.
8. Changing during performances is only allowed in designated areas with appropriate safeguarding control measure in place. For example, Everybody Health & Leisure expect changing areas will have an appropriate person acting as a door marshal.
9. No changing is allowed in corridors, passageways or any communal areas.
10. CCTV operates throughout the facility for the safety of all customers and staff.
11. Once the days production has finished, we politely ask all persons, staff/cast and crew as well as the hirers customers, to vacate the building as soon as possible,
12. If you would like a late bar this must be arranged with our Taste4 Life café in advance during the booking stage.
13. During the event the hirer is responsible for ensuring all event personnel cooperate with Everybody Health & Leisure staff and the emergency services in the event of an emergency.
14. Any evacuation of the building will be in accordance with Everybody Health and Leisure’s Event Evacuation Procedure.
15. All incidents, accidents and near misses must be reported to the Duty Manager as soon as possible.
16. Everybody Health & Leisure does not take any responsibility for any losses or damages to personal property.
17. Any external acts must be communicated to the centre management and will only be agreed if accompanied by the relevant public liability insurance.
18. Any damage to facilities will be billed as part of the final invoice.
19. If required certain events will be asked to provide security. Centre Management will need to see copies of licencing and qualifications in advance.
20. Fire shows or pyro is strictly prohibited as part of any performance.
Car Parking
1. The car parks at Wilmslow Leisure Centre are Pay and Display, they are chargeable at £3.10 for 3 hours Monday to Saturday from 6am until 10pm (no return within 3 hours). Further information can be found on the signage in the car parks themselves.
2. Car park machines are cashless (card only) machines.
3. Car Park validating via the tablets at reception is not available for customers of external events and shows, however event staff/cast and crew/participants may be entitled to a visitors parking pass for the duration of the event at the discretion of Everybody Health and Leisure.
4. Wilmslow Leisure Centre’s car parks are patrolled and enforced by Cheshire East Council officials, any breach in parking conditions may result in a fine being issued, payment of fines or appeals are via Cheshire East Council.
5. Everybody Health & Leisure recommend that hirers review their best parking options locally. The centre has its own a short stay car park. Cheshire East Council operate Broadway Meadow long stay car park and other local options are available.
6. Everybody Health and Leisure do not take responsibility for any loss or damage in the centres short stay car park.
For any further information please feel free to contact us on the details below.
Assistant Manager – [email protected]
Assistant Events Manager – [email protected]
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