Eastern Cheshire Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme - Patient Case Study

By Laura Ratcliffe April 17, 2019

The below press release has been sourced from  Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning group website 


Media Release

Eastern Cheshire Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme – Patient Case Study

Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme

Knutsford resident and heart attack survivor becomes the latest patient to sing praise of a cardiac rehabilitation programme funded by NHS Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group.

Mabel Taylor was referred onto the programme after suffering a heart attack and said: “It’s been crucial in helping me recover and reducing the chances of it happening again”.

Mabel suffered a heart attack in May 2016 after her arteries became clogged up. She was taken firstly to Macclesfield Hospital, then transferred to Royal Stoke Hospital where she underwent an angioplasty and had a stent inserted to clear the blockage.

The cardiac rehabilitation team at East Cheshire NHS Trust supported Mabel while she was in hospital and decided that its exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation programme in local leisure centres was best for her recovery.

It is a six to eight-week programme that reinforces positive lifestyle changes and encourages participation in exercise with the support of cardiac nurses.

Mabel spoke of the programme’s benefits: “For some years I had a bad foot so I became very lazy about walking. Since I’ve been coming to the gym I’ve found that my strength has improved. I can walk further, my stamina is better and I’ve felt an all-round improvement in health.

“I categorically recommend this programme. Anybody who doesn’t take advantage of it following a cardiac event isn’t being fair to themselves or the people who provided their care.”

Paula Spray, one of the nurses who refers patients into the programme, stressed that it was suitable for people of all ages and conditions: “It isn’t just exercise based, it involves information sessions on various subjects such as healthy eating, medication and how to reduce the chances of having another cardiac event.

“There’s lots of evidence that the programme helps people live healthier lives, make a full recovery and reduce their risk of further heart attacks and developing a wide range of health conditions.”

The initial phase of the programme is delivered by cardiac rehabilitation nurses. There is an option after this to continue long-term lifestyle improvement and continued guidance and support from cardiac exercise specialist instructors at Everybody Sport and Recreation for a fee of £3.60 a session. More information about the programme can be found at everybody.org.uk or by ringing 01270 685589.

A video version of this case study can be found on our website at: easterncheshireccg.nhs.uk/cardiac-rehab.