May Is National Walking Month!

By Laura Ratcliffe April 30, 2020

National Walking Month!

May is National Walking Month and it is more important now than ever that we keep active and what better way to become more active by getting your steps in each day, this doesn’t have to always be about going out and we are here to help give you a few ideas and we would love to hear yours :)!

There are many ways you can get those steps in, this could be:

  • Going out for your daily exercise- Please do be careful when you are out on your walks, stick to government guidelines and the advice you have been given. Ensure you are social distancing and stay local to your property.
  • Walking in your garden
  • Walking or dancing more around the house
  • If it’s a rainy day, exercise classes can be a great way to get your steps in, we have a range of free, online exercise classes including high intensity interval training, Les Mills Body Combat and seated exercises, if you are unsteady on your feet, not very mobile or new to exercise, why not try our Everybody Mobility or Everybody Get Moving exercise classes which can be carried out seated or standing. Classes take place live in our Everybody Member Zone or available on our YouTube channel.

Please take reasonable precautions to prevent damage or injury. Please do not participate in workouts/exercise/activities if advised by your health professional against. If you are unsteady on your feet, not very mobile or new to exercise please start the exercises seated, be safe and have fun.

Walking is a great form of exercise to keep you active, it’s free, relaxing and is a bit of you time. Whatever you enjoy, a leisurely, brisk or a fast pace walk all methods will make such a difference to your health and fitness levels.

NHS shares “You do not have to walk for hours. A brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and counts towards your recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise.”

The benefits of increasing your physical activity:

  • Reduced risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoarthritis, obesity
  • Joints, tendons and ligaments are more flexible
  • Help maintain a healthy weight
  • Increases your energy levels
  • Helps to relieve stress, anxiety and depression
  • Reduces the chances of getting cancer

During the month of May we are helping you to get your steps in by providing you with a walking log where you can either log your steps each day or track your time. At the end of each week, count up all of your steps/ time, do this over the month and see how you have progressed each week.

Share your planners with us on social media: Facebook: @EverybodySportRecreation, Twitter and Instagram: @EBLeisure or email [email protected]

Our centre’s and sessions may be temporarily closed but as soon as we can, why not come and try our range of walking activities to keep you active and healthy. Keep an eye on the news section of our website and social media channels for updates on our reopening.

Walking Football

Want to have fun? Improve your health? Socialise with friends? Then come and join us for Walking Football at an Everybody centre near you! No previous experience required, just enthusiasm to enjoy an hour of fun! To find out more information please visit our walking football page.

Nordic Walking

Visitors to local parks may have noticed people walking with what look like ski poles! Nordic walking is the fastest growing fitness activity in the world with over 10 million enthusiasts now regularly taking part in what was originally used by super fit cross country skiers as a way to stay fit during the summer and winter months.

At Everybody we have qualified nordic walking instructors to lead you on exciting trails and landscapes. Find out more about the types of courses we offer and how to get started by visiting our nordic walking page.

Health Walks

Everybody Sport & Recreation is working with passionate volunteers, who have been trained by Walking for Health UK, to provide weekly short walks in the town centres and rural areas of Cheshire East to help local residents get out, increase activity levels and socialise in a safe environment.

Everybody Sport & Recreation are working in partnership with ‘Walking for Health UK’ which is an England-wide programme of health walk schemes that deliver free, regular led walks that are designed to support people get active and stay active.

These FREE short walks are accessible to all, particularly people who are looking to increase their activity, and after each walk we encourage people to stay for a warm drink and chat if they have time. Find out more here.

Walking Netball

Weekly Netball sessions ideal for over 50’s, or anyone wishing to increase their exercise and activity levels in a fun & friendly environment. Everybody Coach Trudy and Everybody Volunteer Joan share what Walking Netball is all about, the benefits and how you can get involved! Check out our video to watch the game in action, meet some of our members and find out more about our sessions here.