Retired Jenny finds exercise classes give her a routine

By Laura Ratcliffe October 15, 2020

Retired Jenny finds exercise classes give her a routine

Jenny Wright is a member at the Crewe Lifestyle Centre and has been taking part in group exercise classes and the gym since becoming a member. Before lockdown, Jenny enjoyed taking part in Move it or Lose it classes with Tracy at the Crewe Lifestyle Centre and the 50+ classes with Helen.

However in March, following guidance, Everybody Sport and Recreation made the decision to temporarily closed their facilities and as a result they quickly went on to providing online health and fitness support to the community, including, live health and fitness classes to keep active.

During this time, Jenny took part in the Everybody Get Moving live classes twice a week with Tracy to keep active, which she enjoyed doing and shares they are very good. Now the Leisure Centres are back open, Jenny continues to do her online classes with Tracy as well as going to Crewe Lifestyle Centre on a Monday to take part in the Move it or Lose it exercise class and is looking to get back to going to the gym.

Jenny shares the benefits she has noticed since joining are, she feels “Fitter than before, love the classes for the fitness but love the camaraderie as well. Retired people, who lose their work friendships, can find their friendships again within the classes.”

Jenny shares that it is “Great to get back.” To anyone thinking about coming back to the facilities she shares “Come! Do come back, everything is set up right, clean, plenty of stations for cleaning, everything is wiped down, anyone who is thinking of joining, do come along it is great fun!

 If nothing else, come along its great fun and you get fit as well!”

 Jenny explains that she likes the classes because you make friends and you see them every week, “Gives you a routine which is good for your mental and physical health, you are getting out of the house, meeting people, doing things, stretching your mind and body, it’s really good. Not just the health benefits it’s the mental benefits as well.”

If you would like to find out more about the changes Everybody Sport and Recreation have made to their facilities to make it safe, visit