Sunrise Stretch and Tone gets member Chris going before sitting at her desk all day

By Laura Ratcliffe January 11, 2021

Sunrise Stretch and Tone gets member Chris going before sitting at her desk all day

Holmes Chapel Community Centre member Chris Mitchell has been to classes at the centre for many years and felt she needed to keep going during lockdown.

Chris really enjoyed the classes that Everybody Sport and Recreation put on during the first lockdown and was keen to carry on when Everybody @ Home was launched!

Everybody @ Home is a new online platform for Everybody Members and has a range of amazing on-demand and live health and fitness classes, including Get Moving, Dance Fit, Pilates, HIIT, Joint Movers and so much more! Whilst Everybody Leisure Centres are closed, the community can sign up to get access to Everybody @ Home and pay nothing until the facilities reopen.

“I am not a keen keep fit person but know how important it is to exercise hence doing the classes.” Chris shares.

Chris has always enjoyed Pilates, Stretch and Tone is also a favourite of Chris’s and she has done Dance Fit and Leg’s Bum’s and Tum’s.

“The fact that I don’t have to leave the house, particularly in this weather and situation gives me more incentive to do the classes online” shares Chris.

Like a lot of us, Chris is working from home, Everybody @ Home means she can do a class before starting work instead of commuting. She shares “Sunrise Stretch and Tone on Wednesdays gets me going before sitting at my desk all day. Being live also feels as though I am at a class instead of just catching up on my own.”

The great thing about Everybody @ Home is the live classes are saved to the platform (Les Mills classes are live streamed only) meaning members can catch up on a day/time that suits them. Something Chris benefits from using as it means she can do a class at a more convenient time for her. She shares “Early morning suits me to do the live classes but waiting until 6 or 7pm is too late. Being able to finish work and do a class is perfect, then I can get tea ready and do family things.”

Chris finds planning what classes she is going to take part in from the timetable at the beginning of the week is a good thing for her “so I know I have to do them and feel guilty if I don’t.” 

“The instructors are all lovely and make you feel as though you are in the studio with them. The classes are fun and have a feel good factor. I would recommend anyone to join.”

If you would like to find out more about keeping active from home during lockdown with Everybody @ Home, visit to find out more and for some amazing offers.